Enjoyed cooking with Pasche family (Céline, Xavier, Nayla & Fibie)🍳They are adventurers and photographer who have bicycled all over the world for 13years!! Cute little daughters have been living this way since they were born. so adorable girls!!! The family have seen a lot of landscape and experienced a lot for these13 years since they stared this life style. It was an honor to meet them this time. We enjoyed home party after cooking too🥰
A book about their activities are sold at “Montbell store”.
Good luck on your journey and see you guys😊
【Nomad Pasche Family】
Pascheファミリー(Céline, Xavier, Nayla & Fibie) 13年間、自転車で世界中を旅してきた冒険家であり、写真家! お二人の娘さんたちは生まれたときからこの生活を続けて、たくましく育ってらっしゃいます。この13年間たくさんの美しい景色を見て、たくさんの経験をしてきた事でしょう。今回は、お会いできて光栄でした。料理後のホームパーティーも皆で楽しみ、忘れられない思い出です🥰
