Welcomed guests from Italy and France.
Today we cooked gyoza, takoyaki, pickled cucumber and other dishes. Seven guests appeared in good spirits even in the rain. Welcome to our dinner party🎉
We are glad that everyone seemed to enjoy all the dishes.
It is much fun not only to eat dishes, but also to know ingredients and make them by ourselves with favorite fellows and precious family!🥰
Italy and France are famous for their cuisines in the world, but I am glad that you are also interested in Japanese food as well ❤️
May this class be one of your memories in JP.
今日は皆で、餃子、たこ焼き、胡瓜のお漬物 その他を作りました。雨の中、元気に登場してくれた7名様。ようこそお越し下さいました🎉
